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The Full Story


Belfast International Arts Festival is the city’s longest-running international arts event. The event covers theatre, dance, classical and roots music, visual, film and digital arts and literature accompanied by outreach and education events. Acts travel from across the globe to partake. It takes place every October in venues and locations across Belfast.

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The Vanishing Elephant

Cahoots NI in association with Belfast International Arts Festival presented 'The Vanishing Elephant' at The Grand Opera House. NEO Digital Media worked closely with the BIAF team to create a short promotional reaction video of audiences on the opening night to be shared on social media channels. The video was intended to entice new audiences to book tickets for the show through the use of engaging interviews and clips of the vibrant show. 

FIQ! and BIAF Community Ticket Scheme

Groupe Acrobatique de Tanger brought their phenomenal acrobatic energy to Belfast International Arts Festival with FIQ!, a luminous, acrobatic and playful ode to the young people of Morocco . BIAF asked NEO Digital media to document their Community Ticket scheme which they ran alongside the show. The scheme has provided access to events for a diverse range of groups; from asylum seekers and new mothers, to visually impaired young people. The promotional video included interviews with young people who had taken part in the scheme, leaders pf groups as well as parents. All participants talked about their positive experience with the scheme and how it had enabled them to see a show they otherwise may not have had the opportunity to see.

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